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At Elements Academy the Statistics Curriculum is designed to complement and build upon the GCSE Mathematics Curriculum, specifically the Statics and probability strands of the curriculum, pupils will need to have good computational and arithmetic skills in order to be able to access the content of the GCSE Statistics Curriculum

The intent is to give pupils the opportunity to achieve another or alternative STEM-related GCSE qualification.

We intend to develop statistically curious and analytical minds, with pupils being unafraid to question and analyse results and be interested to explore reasons behind anomalous data.

We intend to give pupils a deeper understanding of where and how probabilities are used and applied in real-life situations and understand the difference between theoretical and relative frequency and understand how probabilities can quite quickly become.

It intends to show the variety of ways statistics are used in the wider world and demonstrates the importance of being able to understand and effectively interpret statistics presented in the national press and skewed to fit specific agendas.

The GCSE curriculum will take pupils on a journey through the data handling cycle in more depth exploring more statistical concepts than the GCSE Mathematics qualification exposes pupils to.

It also intends to demonstrate the strong career and academic opportunities that a good sound statistical education can unveil.


The implementation of the Curriculum will be to deliver a GCSE Foundation and higher qualification to pupils who have a stronger mathematical confidence and background, as it will build upon the GCSE Mathematics curriculum.

It will loosely adhere to the principles of the mastery curriculum approach through the principles of, Coherence, Variation, Fluency and mathematical/statistical thinking.

The implementation will explicitly explore the advantages and disadvantages, the bias and the pitfalls of various aspects found within the data handling cycle.

The content delivered will mostly focus on areas that pupils haven’t previously been exposed to and so it will be delivered in a more teacher-led way and then opportunities to apply to learn will be given.

The content covered will focus mainly on the non-GCSE Mathematics content and follows the data handling cycle and then additional probability understanding

Posing a question

  • Exploring how to identify a good statistical question and how to develop this into a testable hypothesis

Collecting data

  • Exploring the different types of data
  • Exploring different methods of data collection

Presenting Data

  • Exploring simple graphs and charts
  • Using and understanding cumulative frequencies and box plots
  • Appreciate where data may be skewed and understand why this may be the case

Analysing Data

  • Investigate different location measures specifically index time and population parameters
  • Exploring the different averages and where and how they are best used including moving averages
  • Understanding measures of spread, looking at ranges, quartiles, deciles and percentiles, variance and deviation measures, and understanding how standardised scores and normal distribution are applied and used.
  • Looking at different correlations and regressions for linear and non-linear data and using different correlation methods.


  • Thinking about odds and probabilities
  • Mutually exclusive and independent events and relevant probability notations
  • Use diagrams to enable accurate probability calculations such as tree and Venn diagrams

Looking at probability distributions such as binomial distribution and normal distribution and standard deviations.



In developing confident and enthusiastic learners we aim to provide the foundations to enable all pupils to have a deeper understanding of Statistics and are able to apply and analyse real-life data All learners will

Be statistically proficient and have a solid understanding of how and when to apply the different stages of the Data Handling Cycle.

The impact will be measured in a variety of ways:

  1. The formal nationally recognised mathematical qualifications of a combination of one, two or all of the following:
  • AQA GCSE Statistics
  1. Informal formative assessments and more formal termly summative assessments show academic progress.
  2. Through Biannual GL assessments
  3. Through their individual EHCP trackers and targets and a pupils’ progress through the Academy’s building blocks
  4. Through pupil voice questionnaires
  5. Through engagement lessons and applying knowledge beyond the Maths or statistics classroom.


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Get in Touch

Head Teacher Victoria Woodrow

Elements Academy

Doe Quarry Lane, Dinnington, S25 2NF

Telephone01909 212231


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