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Careers Provision

Elements Academy is dedicated to raising aspirations, challenging stereotypes and inspiring students to achieve their full potential.  Elements Academy is committed to our statutory duty to provide students with impartial and inspirational Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) to all their students .

Primary Students

Key Stage 2 Students will participate in whole school events such as STEM days and Enterprise Activities as well as other enrichment activities.

At Key Stage 3, we look to develop a sense of the wider world and look to future choices of career, with a wide range of enrichment activities and work-related projects including work experience.

At Key Stage 4, students continue research into careers and pathways into college, training, apprenticeships, and higher education. They develop skills in CV and letter writing, presentations and interviews. This includes a mock interview with an employer or external careers body; and a week’s work experience at a work placement, supported by a parent/carer information evening.

Work will continue throughout the academic year to support your child as they reach the stage of leaving school. We aim to have students leave school with a record of achievement and an up-to-date CV. We will continue to support your child into the autumn term of their post-16 transition.

Elements Academy work closely with their Enterprise Coordinator from the Careers and Enterprise Company & RMBC. Their role is to support schools and colleges to improve their careers provision and make meaningful links with business.

The careers lead works in partnership with the Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) Enterprise Co-ordinator and a senior business volunteer, Enterprise Advisor to build careers and employers engagement plans which unlock relationships with local businesses. Other links exist, particularly with post 16 providers throughout South Yorkshire. These providers play an active part in the opportunities given to Element’s students, eg one to one progression interview practice and presentations to groups of students regarding progression at 16.

Students have the opportunity to meet with local learning and training providers.  Local learning and training providers come into Elements to talk about the provision they offer. Open events take place at local colleges, school 6th forms and other training providers. Students are supported to access these. Students will also be able take part in CV writing and mock interview workshops.

Tracking and Evaluation Arrangements

Elements Academy uses the Compass Tool to track its progress against the Gatsby Benchmarks. The Careers Leader has responsibility for completing the Compass Tool on a termly basis and uses this data to identify areas for further development. Each year the school receives a report which outlines the Post 16 destinations for the most recent Year 11 leavers. This data is used to assess the impact and evaluate the effectiveness of the careers programme.

1:1 Careers Advisor

Gemma Arnold ( CDI Registered Careers Adviser QCG, MA Careers Guidance & development, R.C.D.) is the Careers Adviser who works with students at Elements Academy.

She offers independent and impartial advice and guidance service for young people.  Gemma work in partnership with schools and other organisations to and help young people apply for and access the most appropriate post 16 provision to suit their individual needs.

Support offered by the Careers Adviser includes:

  • Discussing plans for after Year 11;
  • Arranging visits to local colleges, employers and training providers to explore different options;
  • Helping with application forms;
  • Supporting putting together a CV;
  • Attending Year 11 EHCP reviews;

All students have the opportunity to meet with  for individual careers interviews.  These take place throughout the year and students may go as many times as required.

Meetings for those who receive tuition off-site can take place at either one of the local centres  or, if more appropriate, at home or another suitable local venue.  The Careers Adviser liaises with Elements staff in arranging these outreach meetings.

Contacting your Careers Adviser

If you would like to contact Gemma to discuss options or arrange an appointment you can do so in the following ways:

Rachel Greaves is our Career Lead at Elements Academy. If you would like to speak to Renata you can contact her on the following:

Get in Touch

Head Teacher Victoria Woodrow

Elements Academy

Doe Quarry Lane, Dinnington, S25 2NF

Telephone01909 212231


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