PE: Statements of Intent, Implementation and Impact:
Curriculum Intent for PE: What we are trying to achieve with our PE curriculum.
Elements Academy believes that Physical Education, experienced in a safe and supportive environment, is essential to ensure children attain optimum physical and emotional development and good health. We intend to deliver high- quality teaching and learning opportunities that inspire all children to succeed in physical education and in developing life skills. We aim to teach children skills to keep them safe such as being able to swim, we also want to teach skills of cooperation and collaboration, being part of an effective team, understanding of fairness as well as equality in order to embed lifelong values.
Our curriculum aim is to improve the wellbeing and fitness of all children at Elements Academy, not only through the sporting skills taught, but through the underpinning values and discipline that PE promotes.
- All pupils will be encouraged to take part in physical activity to improve fitness levels.
- Pupils will develop a love of physical activity that will be carried into adulthood.
- Pupils will develop an understanding of a healthy life-style, making connections between physical health and a healthy mind with the vision that children will continue to adopt a healthy lifestyle into their adult life
- PE lessons will be fully inclusive, enabling all pupils to develop competence to progress in a broad range of physical activities
- Lessons will be planned to cover to a wide-range of physical activities so pupils can apply and develop their knowledge, skills and understanding across a range of sports.
- Lessons will be planned so they provide opportunities for pupils to communicate, collaborate and compete against others and themselves.
- Lessons will provide opportunities to evaluate their own performances and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best
- Lessons will build on skills taught in previous lessons and year groups through a spiral curriculum.
- Year 6 pupils will be given the opportunity to learn how to swim confidently before they leave our primary setting
Implementation: How do we deliver the PE curriculum?
We operate an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also mental well-being. This develops team work and leadership skills.
- Classes receive one PE lessons each week.
- Active time is planned into each day. This is through Active Learning (that is carried out within other curriculum areas) or through Playtime / Lunchtime activities.
- PE lessons are fully inclusive with all pupils supported to be active and engaged throughout the lesson.
- Key Stage 2 planning will focus on building knowledge, skills and techniques and applying them across a large variety of sports.
- Students engage in a learning journey curriculum; that ensures skills are developed through a range of topics: games (invasion, net, wall, striking and fielding), gymnastics, outdoor and adventurous activity, swimming and athletics.
- The PE scheme of work progressively builds on literacy in P.E, key knowledge in a range of sports, skills and techniques. Pupils will be taught how to develop flexibility, strength, technique, control, agility, co-ordination and balance. They will be helped to master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching and then given the opportunity to apply these in a range of activities.
- Children will be given the opportunity within lessons to work independently and within teams in both competitive and non-competitive situations.
- Pupils are helped to set themselves personal challenges and then taught the necessary skills to achieve them.
- Health and fitness is promoted throughout school. Staff dress appropriately, displays promote physical activity and pupils are encouraged to be as active as possible throughout the school day.
Impact: What difference is the curriculum making to our pupils?
We help motivate children to participate in a variety of sports through quality teaching that is engaging and fun. From their PE lessons our pupils learn to take responsibility for their own health and fitness. We equip or children with the necessary skills to develop a love of sport. They will hopefully grow up to live happy and healthy lives utilising the skills and knowledge acquired through PE.
- Pupils understand the benefits of exercise on both physical and mental health.
- Pupils have improved fitness levels.
- Pupils have a positive and engaged attitude towards PE / physical activity.
- Pupils have developed flexibility, strength, technique, control, agility, co-ordination and balance. They have mastered basic movements including; running, jumping, throwing and catching and are able to apply these to a range of sports.
- Pupils have increased self-esteem through personal achievement.
- Primary pupils leave us able to swim 25 metres.Key Contact: