Our intent is simple. We aim to provide a safe a nurturing learning environment that promotes the holistic development of each student. Through tailored experiences and support, we aim to build essential knowledge and skills while fostering positive social, emotional, and mental well-being.
Our curriculum is designed to empower students to overcome challenges, build resilience, and reach their full potential, equipping them with the tools needed to thrive academically and emotionally in both school and beyond.
The Elements Curriculum Implementation – Our ‘How’
The foundations of our curriculum are built on 3 tiers, with wellbeing at its heart. No learner is ready to develop academically if they do not have their basic needs met.
Our curriculum builds knowledge and skills through the creation of experiences that take into consideration individual needs and developmental stages.
The curriculum incorporates a multi-disciplinary approach to maximising every pupil’s personal growth. Elements Academy provides a curriculum which is pupil-centred, ambitious, engaging, and relevant which means the content of the curriculum will continue to evolve to reflect our pupils interests, needs and aspirations so that they continue to be inspired, ensure pupils enjoy learning and follow a pathway linked to their next destination.
Our Building Blocks curriculum is a ‘stage not age’ design, based on the National Curriculum. Each subject that we teach at Elements follows aspects of the National Curriculum requirements for that subject. Underpinning all of our curriculum offer are the Nurture Principles and Trauma-Informed schools practice. As a SEMH school, we have been selective, prioritising subject areas and skill-sets relevant to the needs of our students. We review and adapt our planning in response to the changing cohort of students, as it relates to their EHCPs.
Our Building Blocks
Building Knowledge and Skills
Our curriculum maps and long term overviews show the sequential learning journey for pupils and how they build towards substantive concepts. As our curriculum evolves, we regularly update the learning journeys to ensure our pupils receive the most current and relevant educational experiences.
How do we assess the whole child at Elements?
At Elements, we assess the whole child through a comprehensive approach, focusing on academic, social, emotional, and physical development. Our Assessment Cycle can be seen below.
Our Pedagogical approach
The Elements Way is based on educational research and the needs of our pupils. Click on the image to see how The Elements Way shapes the pedagogy that we see in our classrooms.
Personalised Provision
Where the additional or special educational needs of pupils are such that they require bespoke or specialist support, we work with parents and relevant professionals to build a package of personalised provision. Our offer for these pupils is rooted in the shared understanding that they need to prioritise the development of attendance, attributes and behaviours that will:
Keep them safe in school and in the community;
Support them to access the wider curriculum over time;
Support their transition to a more appropriate setting, if required;
Enable them to take advantage of opportunities, responsibilities and experiences later in life
These packages are agreed through the annual review process and reviewed on a regular basis.
Want to know more about our curriculum?
If you would like to know more about our curriculum or request paper copies of any of our documents, please email our curriculum lead, rllukaj@eat.uk.com, who will be happy to help.